Transport Barrier Research Plan
Rogers and Dorland will lead the physics effort for barrier physics,
with participation from Cowley, Hammett and Waltz. Kevrekidis, Gear,
Hammett and Dorland will build the numerical tools required for this
project. Cowley, Hassam and Drake will participate in the development
and analysis of physics models of the barrier.
Research Plan
- Year 1: Gyrokinetic simulations of ITB with sources and
sinks. Development of non-periodic radial boundary conditions for
GS2. Complete development and implementation of gaptooth
transport simulation algorithm with GS2 as the microscale
- Year 2: GS2 simulation of profiles on transport time
scale, with and without flows. Development of boundary conditions
appropriate for H-mode pedestal barrier.
- Year 3: Begin bifurcation analysis
with newly developed multiscale package. Study conditions of
formation of internal transport barrier. Study evolution and
structure of same.
- Years 4-5: Continue and extend Year 3 activities to include the
H-mode pedestal formation, structure and evolution.