In the area of transport and turbulence, the
initial CMPD research project seeks to deliver conclusive evidence
linking, in one unbroken chain, all of the following elements:
experimentally measured profiles → a theoretically predicted
instability → the theoretically predicted turbulent flux &rarr the simulated
turbulent flux and fluctuations → experimentally measured turbulent
fluctuations → experimentally inferred turbulent fluxes.
This will be carried out in focused campaigns on DIII-D, NSTX and
C-MOD. Specific predictions of fluctuation spectra and steady-state
radial energy flux will be generated and compared with observational
data. An initial survey of high k turbulence in DIII-D has
found evidence for fluctuations in the ETG range of frequencies, under
plasma conditions appropriate for ETG turbulence. ETG turbulence is an
excellent candidate for intensive study because its properties are
likely to be less sensitive to profiles that are difficult to measure
(such as impurity density gradients and radial electric fields).
Although this project is not directly multiscale, it develops
simulation-experimental collaborations and feeds into other CMPD
X-mode backscattering of 100 GHz radiation in DIII-D has already
produced fluctuation spectra in the ETG range of wavelengths and
frequencies. Further diagnostic development in this area will soon
increase the range of possibilities for experiment/theory
interactions. Similar data from NSTX should be available in the first
year or two of the Center. Even without dedicated new funding for
diagnostic development or ETG simulations themselves, the proposed
Center would enhance the coupling between the UCLA diagnostic effort
and the Maryland simulation group, with improved chances for success.
CMPD scientists are also interacting strongly with the experimental
programs in Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D using new Phase Contrast Imaging
(PCI) diagnostics. PCI is capable of detecting very short wavelength
fluctuations, up to and above the expected range of wavenumbers
predicted from simulations. This diagnostic program is under the
leadership of Miklos Porkolab. The diagnostics are currently being upgraded to look
at frequency spectra up to 10 MHz, and will also allow localization
vertically along the laser beam within 2-5 cm. The localization is
made possible with the installation of new rotating phase plates. We
expect diagnostic data would be available by next year on both
Research Plan (experimental identification)
- Year 1: Test predictions of ETG simulations for core Ohmic
plasmas against backscattering data from DIII-D immediately, and
from NSTX as it becomes available.
- Year 2: Continue Ohmic turbulence studies. Begin simulation
campaign for plasmas with PCI measurements.
- Year 3: Look for ETG turbulence signatures in ITB plasmas, with
coordinated simulation/diagnostic campaign.
- Year 4: Look for ETG turbulence signatures around edge of
neoclassical tearing mode, with coordinated simulation/diagnostic campaign.
- Year 5: Report on whether or not ETG fluctuations appear when
predicted, with predicted characteristics.
Toroidal ETG instabilities saturate at levels large compared to mixing
length estimates because streamers are excited. Since the expected
electron energy transport from ETG modes is similar to the typical
electron energy transport induced by long-wavelength instabilities
(TEM, ITG, drift waves), it is possible that significant interactions
between ETG instabilities and long-wavelength turbulence take place.
In particular, the possibility that ETG turbulence could diffuse
ion-scale perturbations and therefore fundamentally change the
dynamics of the ion-scale instabilities must be
The characteristic dynamical time and perpendicular space scales for
these processes are separated by a factor of ~ 60. This presents a
serious challenge to the direct numerical simulation approach. In the
longer term, a projective integration package for simulating ETG/TEM
turbulence will be developed and tested against the best direct
numerical simulation results available. Finally, the CMPD will support
support (with trained, dedicated personnel and dedicated simulations
performed for diagnostic design and interpretation) ongoing
experimental efforts to obtain simultaneous measurements of short and
long-wavelength fluctuations in tokamak plasmas.
Research Plan (multiscale interactions)
- Year 1: A series of direct numerical
simulations with artificially varying ion/electron mass ratios will
be undertaken to ascertain the scaling of any interaction physics
with the ratio of ion and electron gyroradii.
- Years 2-3: Develop patch-dynamics algorithm designed to advance
ion-scale turbulence at ``coarse'' scales and electron-scale
turbulence on the fine scale. Begin with ETG simulations in
frozen-in-time bath of long wavelength ITG/TEM turbulence.
- Year 4: Test patch algorithm against best available direct
numerical simulation results; refine algorithm. Study cascade
dynamics for wavelengths shorter than the ion gyroradius but longer
than the electron gyroradius.
- Year 5: Use multiscale algorithm to simulate interacting
ITG/TEM/ETG turbulence in realistic conditions, including the
physical mass ratio.
Peebles currently leads the backscattering diagnostic program, and
will also lead the CMPD-based effort to relate backscattering
diagnostic measurements to specific theoretical predictions. He will
be assisted by Rhodes, Gilmore, Synakowski and Dorland. Porkolab
currently leads the PCI diagnostic effort, and will also lead the
Center-based effort to relate PCI results to theoretical predictions.
Co-workers include Chris Rost plus an MIT graduate student on
site at DIII-D, and two graduate students at Alcator C-Mod.
The CMPD funds the design, testing and deployment of the
multiscale model, which should ultimately be more tractable. Key
personnel in this area will be Dorland, Gear and Hammett.