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Kinetic Alfvén Wave Research Plan (experiments)

KAW physics experiments on LAPD will be led by Carter with Gekelman in an advisory role, and will involve two UCLA graduate students.

Research Plan

  • Year 1: Increase modulation capability for main cathode-anode current, attempting to launch Alfvén waves with perturbed magnetic field > 1% of the background field. Continue studies of driven Alfvénic cascade with reflecting boundary conditions. Design and build new loop antenna and drivers. Fabricate probes and probe arrays for measuring wavenumber spectrum.
  • Year 2: Fabricate additional small resonant anode-cathode pair, discharge capacitor bank circuit, and modulation circuit. Perform initial studies of wavepacket collisions using main anode-cathode resonator and small cathode-anode pair. Continued studies of large amplitude drive in reflecting boundary conditions. Iterate on large amplitude modulator design and loop antenna design. Fabricate additional probes as necessary.
  • Year 3: Fabrication of second small resonant anode-cathode pair and driver for wavepacket collision studies (allowing variable anode-cathode spacing on both wavepacket drivers). Continuation of wavepacket collision studies using two sources. Continuation of driven reflecting boundary condition studies using main cathode-anode pair, small resonant cavities, and loop antennas. Iteration and redesign of antennas, driver electronics, and probes as necessary.
  • Years 4-5: Continuation of nonlinear Alfvén wave interaction and driven Alfvénic cascade studies. Design and fabrication of wave sources for accessing lower kparallel in launch wave.

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