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Incompressible Flows at High Reynolds Number >
Milton Lopes

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Dispersion and scattering of vorticity in 2D flows
Dr. Milton Lopes
Mathematics Department at Pennsylvania State University
Consider planar, incompressible, ideal fluid flow. It is known that, for these
flows, if the vorticity has a single sign then it disperses very slowly. In
fact, the state of the art is that dispersion follows a fourth-root in time
scaling, a result which can be largely attributed to C. Marchioro, Ph. Serfati,
D. Iftimie, P. Gamblin and T. Sideris. In contrast, vortex pairs, which have
mass-balanced odd vorticity, have constant speed and hence wave-like scattering.
The purpose of this talk is to examine two recent results concerning the
structure of large time vortex dynamics for general initial data, from the point
of view of dispersion and scattering.