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Research Activities > Programs > Nonequilibrium Interface Dynamics > Workshop 1

Nonequilibrium Interface Dynamics:
Fundamental Physical Issues in Nonequilibrium Interface Dynamics

CSIC Building (#406), Seminar Room 4122.
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Spontaneous Patterning and Pattern Evolution on Out-of-Equilibrium Surfaces

Dr. Alberto Pimpinelli

LASMEA — UMR 6602 Universit´e Blaise Pascal/CNRS,
Les C´ezeaux, F-63177 Aubi`ere, France

Abstract:   Controlling pattern formation at the surface of epitaxially growing crystals is an important technical and fundamental topic. In particular, morphological instabilities have to be understood to be avoided, or, possibly, exploited. The existing theoretical framework describing such instabilities will be reviewed, and various novel mechanisms leading to spontaneous surface patterning during epitaxial growth on vicinal substrates, will be presented. One of them [1-3] is based on the coupling between the surface densities of several diffusing species, in the presence of Ehrlich-Schwoebel barriers at step edges. Such diffusing species may be precursor molecules (e.g. trimethylgallium) and adatoms (e.g. Ga adatoms) in chemical vapour deposition (CVD), or adatoms (e.g. Ga and As) and molecules (e.g. GaAs), or even adatoms and dimers, in molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). I will discuss in some details a simple two-particle model accounting for this coupling, and I will show that, depending just on growth conditions, step flow growth in one and the same system may be unstable against either meandering or step bunching, as observed for instance in GaAs deposition on vicinals of GaAs(110).

Other instability-inducing mechanisms, are atom diffusion along step edges, and diffusion anisotropies. For such situations, Monte Carlo simulations of epitaxial growth will be discussed, and the resulting spontaneous surface patterning will be investigated. In particular, I will show that the growing surface exhibits anomalous scaling when step-edge diffusion creates the pattern.

The scaling properties of the surface are the only means for discriminating which instability-inducing mechanism is at work in a given system. The recently proposed idea of the existence of universality classes for step bunching [4] will be checked against real and numerical experiments.

Once created, nanostructures evolve in time, according to the temperature. At high enough temperature, they decay within a typical lifetime. The latter has been found, in a number of experiments with nanopyramids, to scale as a power of the size of the nanostructure. I will claim that simple power-laws do not exist, and that crossovers between different scaling regimes are the rules. A simple analytic formulation for such a crossover will be presented and compared with kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of a model for nanopyramids on a Si(001) surface.

1. A Pimpinelli and A. Videcoq, Novel mechanism for the onset of morphological instabilities during chemical vapour epitaxial growth, Surface Sci. Letters 445, L23-L28 (2000)

2. M. Vladimirova, A Pimpinelli and A. Videcoq, A new model of morphological instabilities during epitaxial growth: from step bunching to mounds formation, J. Crystal Growth 220, 631-636 (2000)

3. A. Videcoq, M. Vladimirova and A Pimpinelli, Kinetic surface structuring during homoepitaxy of GaAs(110): a model study, Appl. Surf. Sci. 175-176, 141-146 (2001)

4. A. Pimpinelli, V. Tonchev, A. Videcoq and M. Vladimirova, Scaling and universality of self-organized patterns on unstable vicinal surfaces, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 206103 (2002)