Research Activities > Programs >
Nonequilibrium Interface Dynamics > Tutorials

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Fast Methods for Sampling from a Dynamic pdf
Part II: Very Fast Methods, Additional up-front cost
Dr. Francis Sullivan
Center for Computing Sciences
This pair of talks will cover some basic algorithms for accelerating
dynamic Monte Carlo, meaning Monte Carlo for cases in which the
probability distribution sampled changes as a consequence of sampling.
We explain how to use a slightly more elaborate tree and a more
sophisticated strategy for grouping of the ri to reduce the cost per
step to O(log2* M). Here log* X denotes the number of
iterations of X=log X required before X becomes negative. As a
point of reference, if D denotes the US national debt in dollars,
then log10* D = 3.
In this case, the one-time costs are slightly greater and the cost per
step is greatly reduced.