Research Activities > Programs >
High Frequency Wave Propagation 2005
Olof Runborg

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
A Fast Phase Space Method for Computing Creeping Rays
Olof Runborg
Royal Institute of Technology, KTH
Abstract: Creeping
rays can give an important contribution to the
solution of medium to high frequency scattering
problems. They are generated at the shadowlines of
the illuminated scatterer and propagate along
geodesics on the scatterer surface, continuously
shedding diffracted rays in their tangential
direction. We show how the ray propagation problem
can be formulated as a partial differential equation
(PDE) in a three-dimensional phase space. The PDE
solution give information about all possible
creeping rays. Computationally the cost of solving
the PDE is less than tracing all rays individually.
We show numerical results and an application to
monostatic radar cross section problems where
creeping rays from all illumination angles must be