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Nonequilibrium Interface and Surface Dynamics 2007
Modeling Stepped Surfaces across the Scales:
Facet Evolution and Anisotropic Step Stiffness
CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Modeling Stepped Surfaces across the Scales: Facet
Evolution and Anisotropic Step Stiffness
Dionisios Margetis

University of Maryland
Below the roughening temperature, crystal surfaces
evolve via the motion of steps. In this talk I will
focus on recent progress and puzzles in answering
two questions:
(i) For what continuum theory is step motion a
consistent numerical solution scheme ?
(ii) How does one obtain effective material
parameters such as the step stiffness from an
atomistic, kinetic model?
In (i) I will present 2D continuum laws and discuss
facet evolution from a continuum perspective. In
(ii) I will discuss the derivation of step stiffness
and kinetic rates from a microscopic model for the
kinetics of a step edge.
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